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We Build, Project and Protect the future of Africa Together

We establish an equitable society through constructive engagement with stakeholders, expand opportunities for self-development and realization among the youths, poor, minorities and vulnerable population.

Years of Accomplishments
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We Bring Positive change to the economic and social status of Africans

Africa Youth Growth Foundation is a non governmental organization set up with the sole purpose of contributing to positive change in the economic and social status of Africans, the poor, the vulnerable and minorities through effective programs that delivers sustainable outcome.

our company overview

Thematic Areas

Our Areas of concern and responsibility


At AYGF, we are poised to contributing our quota to the development of individuals, communities, and societies. 

Public Health

AYGF is implementing a World Bank project on Nutrition tagged the Accelerating Nutrition in Nigeria-ANRiN. 


AYGF has been at the forefront in the fight against human trafficking and rehabilitation of its victims in Africa Sub-region for over 16 years.


The SEE (Sensitize, Educate, Empower) Project was jointly implemented by  (AYGF) and Activating the Lost Dream Foundation (ALDF) and funded by ECOWAS 

Environment and Climate change

The Environment and climate change unit of AYGF seeks to address harmful practices and issues of environmental degradation and climate change impact through advocacy and campaigns.

Democratic Governance

AYGF is a strong advocate for Democratic Governance.
Democratic governance and human rights are critical components of sustainable development and lasting peace. Countries with ineffective government institutions, rampant corruption

Preventing and countering violent extremism

Ideological, radical, religious and socio-cultural narratives have been contorted to push the agenda of extremist activities and movements across Nigeria and Africa at large. 

Our Success Secrets & Core Values

Our mission is to Build, Project and Protect
The future of Africa.


AYGF ANRiN Project

The Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria project is designed to increase the utilization of quality, cost-effective nutrition services for pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls and children under five years of age in select areas of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

AYGF is a non governmental organization set up with the sole purpose of contributing to positive change in the economic and social status of Africans, the poor, vulnerable and minorities through effective programs that delivers sustainable outcomes.

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Thematic Areas

We have touched & transformed thousands

Over the years the organization has implemented several projects that address issues around, migration, Public Health, Education, Democratic Governance, Livelihood, Preventing violence & extremism and climate change.

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We are accountable to the communities where we work, our beneficiaries, donors and supporters. Sponsorship and donation enquiries – including change of address or payment details – are dealt with by our national organisations

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